News & Articles By Evangelyn Rodriguez
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Behind the scenes: Chebulinic acid, an active ingredient of popular Ayurvedic medicine triphala, has anti-tumor properties
Triphala is a known Ayurvedic medicine that could treat various diseases. Not only is it used in other traditional medicine practices inspired by Ayurveda, but it is also known for its medicinal properties, such as antimicrobial, antioxidant, and immunomodulatory. In a recent study, researchers from China focused on the antiproliferative activities of two of its […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Munching on onions and garlic can reduce colorectal cancer risk, according to study
Allium vegetables, along with cruciferous vegetables, are known for their cancer-fighting abilities. Commonly used alliums in the kitchen include garlic, onions, leeks, spring onions, shallots, and chives. Due to their powerful biological activities, scientists continue to study these vegetables in the hopes of getting a better understanding of how they work. In a newly published […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Prevent and fight cancer with allium and cruciferous vegetables
Whenever studies report about anti-cancer foods, fruits and mainly vegetables top their lists. These fibrous, plant-based foods are rich in chemical compounds that can prevent, halt the progression of, and even fight several diseases. After years of investigating, researchers have finally identified these valuable sources of cancer-fighting chemicals as cruciferous and allium vegetables. What’s even better is that both types […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Dietary energy intake and nutrition are important for the prevention of skeletal muscle loss in cancer survivors
Sarcopenia is a progressive disease characterized by the loss of skeletal muscle mass, strength, and function. It is commonly associated with aging but can also be seen in cancer survivors. There are no pharmacological treatments available for sarcopenia at present; only basic interventions such as resistance exercise, protein supplementation, and vitamin D administration are used […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
What is oncometabolic syndrome and how do you control it?
The human body depends on good nutrition to sustain a healthy growth. Like the earth when planted with seeds, an ample supply of nutrients and other essentials ensures it produces nothing but good things. On the other hand, deficiencies and poor nutrition lead to lack of growth. In the case of the human body, it […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Better together: Case study reveals how a combination of Ayurveda and allopathy helped in treating diabetic foot
Diabetes is a well-known and widespread disease that affects millions of people around the world. It is commonly associated with high blood sugar levels, which affects not only the body’s ability to heal wounds but also its ability to feel. Hence, people with diabetes often lose sensation in their feet, and some, unfortunately, sustain injuries which often […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
For the elderly, getting more natural antioxidants in your diet can reduce the risk of heart disease
Antioxidants are beneficial substances that boost the immune system and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Stress, pollution, and other environmental factors trigger the production of free radicals, which are unstable molecules that contribute to the development of diseases and premature aging. The body produces its own antioxidants, but excessive exposure to UV radiation […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Infant birth size can be increased with nutrient-rich supplement for women in poor areas
Maternal nutrition during pregnancy is crucial for the survival of both mother and child. Malnutrition increases the risks of gestational anemia, hypertension, miscarriages, premature labor, and even maternal mortality. In the same vein, it can cause low birth weight, stunted growth, and life-long consequences in newborns. Maternal malnutrition is a huge problem in poor communities, particularly […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Fight the effects of fatty liver with myo-inositol
Fatty liver – also referred to as hepatic steatosis – is a condition that affects about 25 percent of the world’s population. It is caused by the buildup of too much fat in the liver, which stems from either excessive alcohol consumption or having a diet rich in fats. Other factors that lead to fatty liver include […]
By Evangelyn Rodriguez
Study finds Chinese skullcap herb improves bone health
Bone mineralization is an important process that starts from infancy and continues throughout life. It is an essential part of bone formation and the bone remodeling process. Problems with bone mineralization are directly linked to diseases like rickets in children, osteomalacia in young adults, and osteoporosis in older adults; hence there is considerable scientific interest in the mechanisms […]
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