News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
Missing from the national conversation on coronavirus is any talk about nutritional science
There is so much talk on the news these days about the need for more government intervention to preserve public health that many people have been led to believe that there is no other way to protect themselves against infection with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). But what about nutrition? Nutritional science is all but completely […]
By Ethan Huff
President Trump endorses use of masks to help halt spread of coronavirus infections, explaining they “have an impact”
After previously resisting their use, President Donald Trump is now saying that cloth face masks “have an impact” and “have an effect,” and that “we need everything we can get.” Speaking during a recent White House news briefing, Trump seemed to be asking Americans who are not able to “socially distance” to “wear a mask” […]
By Ethan Huff
Glutathione saved mom from coronavirus death, says medical student son
A 48-year-old mother of four and Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) victim from New York is breathing easy after her son, a medical student, successfully cured her of the virus with the “master” antioxidant glutathione. James Bruzzese, 23, who studies at the City University of New York‘s (CUNY) School of Medicine, says that his mom Josephine woke […]
By Ethan Huff
Four seconds of high-intensity exertion throughout the day can prevent health damage caused by too much sitting
As much of the world remains confined at home due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, many people are trying to come up with new ways to stay healthy and fit in lieu of being able to go to the gym. And a new study has good news for them, suggesting that an effective home […]
By Ethan Huff
Rare cannabinoid known as cannabimovone (CBM) shows promise in diabetes prevention
Italian researchers have identified a novel compound in some varieties of cannabis that they say has the potential to forever change the way we prevent and treat diabetes. It is known as cannabimovone, or CBM, and a new paper published in the journal Molecules explains how it might be able to naturally help sensitize cells […]
By Ethan Huff
World-renowned neurobiologist says nicotine extract could protect against coronavirus
It appears as though there is a beneficial use for tobacco after all, or at least the nicotine it contains. According to acclaimed neurobiologist Jean-Pierre Changeux, nicotine shows incredible promise in the fight against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) as both a preventive and curative remedy. He and a team of specialists from Pitié-Salpêtrière hospital in […]
By Ethan Huff
Why did Fauci CHEER when hydroxychloroquine was used in 2013 for MERS, but is now skeptical for coronavirus?
After President Donald Trump mentioned during a recent press conference the potential benefits of hydroxychloroquine for treating the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Anthony Fauci from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) quickly piped in that the remedy supposedly isn’t proven, and that people shouldn’t think of it as a “knockout drug.” So why, […]
By Ethan Huff
These high-zinc foods could help stop coronavirus
In case you didn’t know, scientific research published in the journal PLoS Pathogens back in 2010 found that ionic zinc is a powerful inhibitor of coronavirus, preventing its replication and spread. In vitro, or cellular, tests found that zinc is helpful in preventing a whole host of RNA viruses, including influenza and poliovirus. Somehow, zinc […]
By Ethan Huff
Why isn’t Trump demanding vitamin D production or anti-viral herbs for coronavirus?
Similar to what happens during times of war, some manufacturing companies in Europe are reportedly in talks with government officials about switching over their production lines to making supplies specifically needed to combat the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. But where are the similar calls from the Trump administration to produce things like vitamin C and […]
By Ethan Huff
CDC airport workers frustrated having to screen air travelers without masks, protective gear
As the world reels to-and-fro in reactionary hysteria over the Wuhan coronavirus (CoVid-19) situation, there’s one glaring sector of the new crisis economy that’s being almost completely overlooked in terms of expanded safety measures: airport security. According to reports, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) screeners, whose job it is to more closely […]
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