cancer risk reduction
By Zoey Sky
Why you should start wearing sunglasses (hint: they protect you from eyelid cancer)
When it comes to eye and skin care, sunglasses are more than just trendy. They can help protect your eyes and prevent different eye- and skin-related health concerns. In the U.K., skin cancer rates are skyrocketing. But this can be prevented by one simple change: choosing the right kind of sunglasses that can also protect […]
By Zoey Sky
When weighing all the factors, experts say leading a healthy lifestyle is your best bet against cancer
Various studies have already tried to determine the most effective ways to prevent cancer. However, since a lot of factors that determine cancer risk, such as age and genetic predisposition, can’t be controlled, experts suggest studying one’s “family’s medical history and trying to live a healthy lifestyle.” Cancer-prevention through healthy habits Maria Baker, professor of medicine […]
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