By S.D. Wells
Top 10 ways to avoid ever getting cancer in the first place
Millions of humans binge on junk food every meal and think doctors will be able to “fix” their health problems later with medicine and surgery. So what exactly is “junk food,” because most people think what they’re eating is not really “that bad.” Plus, most diets people choose are the ones that cater to their […]
By Derek Henry
5 things that can ruin your summer (and how to avoid the repercussions)
Summer is a great time of the year, one where we can get outdoors more often, enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables, get some much needed vitamin D, and take that long awaited vacation. Those things alone are a cause for celebration. However, with any season there are the pros and cons and summer is no […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 causes of cancer and smart alternatives for prevention and healing
If you had been walking on sharp rocks and jagged shells all day, and a doctor told you to take some aspirin for the pain, would you go out the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that, and walk on those same rocks and shells, expecting the aspirin to “do […]
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