respiratory health
By Jessica Dolores
Young children exposed to indoor air pollution or cigarette smoke found to have increased risk of respiratory sickness
There are two things in the air that people know to be harmful: air pollution and tobacco smoke. While the particular dangers that each bring are well-documented, the same can’t be said on how both affect expectant mothers and their newborn. These risks were the focus of a study made by the University of Cape Town […]
By RJ Jhonson
Natural salt can help heal you from chronic illness – and modern research is validating this
Salt is not just a condiment or an ingredient used in cooking – it can also help you recover from chronic illness, including cancer. This is done through halotherapy, which uses naturally occurring salt caverns for healing respiratory conditions, as well as skin ailments. It is also used to energize the mind and was practiced […]
By Michelle Simmons
Reverse smoking damage with fresh apples and tomatoes: Study finds they repair lung tissue and slow aging of the lungs
It’s a known fact that smoking adversely affects the body, particularly the lungs. However, a study discovered a way to reverse the damage caused by smoking. In particular, a diet rich in fresh fruits, such as tomatoes and apples could repair lung tissue and slow the natural aging process of the lungs. A team of researchers from […]
By Russel Davis
10 Ways to DETOXIFY your dirty lungs
Tobacco smoking remains to be the primary driver in lung disease onset. Other factors that contribute to respiratory disease onset include air pollution, occupational chemicals and dusts, and frequent lower respiratory infections during childhood. With these risk factors at hand, it might prove beneficial to undergo lung detox to stave off respiratory issues. Here are a […]
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